Any video you record has to be improved by adding text, emoji, and callouts to make it easier for the viewers’ to understand.
To add text, emojis, and callouts to your video:
Login to Hippo Video using your existing credentials.
Click on the Assets icon from the left navigation bar > All Assets.
Open the video you wish to add text, emojis, and callouts.
Below the video preview, click the Edit & Personalize button and select Quick Edit from the pop-up.
After you’ve navigated to the editor page, click on the Text icon below the video preview.
Enter your text in the provided space in the video, and press Enter.
You can also merge fields and create personalized videos for your users.
All you have to do is choose the field you'd want to insert in your video and place it in the right position.
Same way to add emoji and callout to your video, click on the respective icon.
Once you’re done, click the Save button to save the editing changes.
Contact us if you have any questions.