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Import API

Import API allows you to upload videos to your Hippo Video account with a simple downloadable URL. With Hippo Video, you can personalize your videos and customize them to match your brand. Also, you can access detailed video performance reports for every video you share with your contacts. Now, to use video Import API, you need to have API Key.




HTTP Cache Headers

Accept - application/json


title - Video title

URL - Downloadable URL of the video

email - email of the user

api_key - API Key of the user


  "status": 200,
  "code": 200,
  "share_url": "",
  "embed_url": "",
  "thumbnail_preview": "",

share_url -  Shareable video link.

embed_url - Link to embed the video.

thumbnail_preview - Thumbnail of the video with a play icon (you can share the thumbnail linking it to your video).

The above responses are success cases. In case, any errors occur you’ll see an error response.

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