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Add lead generation form to your video

Have you ever thought that you could make use of videos to collect viewers’ contact information? Yes, it’s not a joke and it is possible with Hippo Video. Enabling this feature helps in identifying qualified leads and also gate the sales pages before the users view the content. Let’s get into it.

To add lead generation form to your video:

  1. Login to Hippo Video using existing credentials.

  2. Click on the Assets icon from the left navigation bar All Assets. 

  3. Open the video in which you want to add lead generation form.

  4. Below the video preview, click on the Interactive Video CTA tab > Lead Generation Form button.

  1. Add a title on the top and a note at the bottom of the form.

  2. A typical form will contain details like first name, last name, and email address. If you’d want your viewer’s contact number, you have an option to enable that field.

  3. Also, if you strictly want your viewers to fill in their details. You can disable the Skip option.

  4. Finally, set a time at which you’d like the form to appear and click Apply to save the changes.

  1. You’ll notice the Lead Generation Form added to your video.

Note: You can edit the interactive video CTA anytime.
  1. Here, for example, let's see how the Lead Generation Form will pop-up during the video for prospects. Here is an example of how to do this: copy the link and paste it into a new tab.

  2. It will take the prospect a few moments to enter the details and proceed to the video.

  1. As soon as a prospect enters their information, you will receive an in-app notification, an email notification, and a lead will be added to the people tab. 

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