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Video details API

This API helps you get the details of all the videos that are available in your user’s Hippo Video account. Also, while displaying the videos to your customers you can attach the params (hemail, hfname, and hlname) to track the viewer profile.

The following are the details that you can provide to your users - video title, folder or the category in which the video is available, video description, and video tags.


GET -> api/v1/me/video/video_id


email - email of the user

authentication_token - auth token of the user (Get you auth token here)

video_id - id of the video



    "code": 200,

    "id": 988,

    "title": "Testing Video",

    "description": "Description of the video",

    "created_at": "2018-12-24T06:02:17.437Z",

    "display_date": "Dec 24, 2018",

    "thumbnail": "",

    "share_url": "",

    "token": "Anp52qEvvJb1qEEXuJtHfQ",

    "share_thumbnail": "",

    "embed_url": "",

    "email_embed": "<div><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"no_opener\"><img style=\"width: 100%; max-width: 360px;\" src=\"\" alt=\"Video Thumbnail\"/></a></div>",

    "categories": [


            "id": 10,

            "name": "Others"



            "id": 116,

            "name": "1to1Videos"



    "tags": [





id - Video ID.

title - Title of the video.

description - Description of the video.

created_at - Video creation date.

display_date - Video creation date in word format. (e.g: about a week ago)

The above responses are success cases. In case, any errors occur you’ll see an error response.

To check out other articles related to this topic.

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