In Windows
To uninstall the Hippo Video desktop app on Windows, follow the steps below:
Open the Start menu by clicking on the Windows icon in the bottom-left corner of the screen.
Find and select "Settings" in the Start menu.
Within the Settings window, choose "Apps." This action will open the Apps & Features Settings.
Scroll through the installed apps list and find "Hippo Video."
After locating "Hippo Video," select it, and then click on the "Uninstall" button that appears in the menu.
A confirmation pop-up will appear, inquiring whether you wish to uninstall the app. Click on "Uninstall" to process.
Follow the on-screen prompts to complete the uninstallation process. The Hippo Video desktop app will be removed from your system.
Once the uninstallation is complete, it is recommended to restart your computer to ensure all remnants of the app are fully removed.
The Hippo Video desktop application has now been successfully removed from your Windows system.
In Mac
To uninstall the Hippo Video desktop app on a Mac, follow these steps:
If the Hippo Video desktop app is currently open, please close it.
Open the Finder folder in the Dock.
In the menu, under Favorites, select "Applications."
In your list of installed applications, find and select "Hippo Video."
Now simply drag and drop "Hippo Video" in the Trash bin on the Dock menu, or right-click on the icon and choose "Move to Trash" from the context menu.
Note: Empty the Trash Bin to permanently delete the application.
If prompted, provide your administrator password to authorize the deletion of the application.
After following these instructions, the Hippo Video desktop app will be removed from your Mac.