Hippo Video is packed with features to help you record videos with high quality that look very professional.
Make your video viewer-friendly with these markup tools:
Markup tools allow annotation on screen. It helps viewers digest the content of a video faster. It will be available at the bottom right corner of your screen.

Note: By hovering the mouse over each tool, you’ll also be able to shortcut keys for the same.
The below table illustrates the purpose of each option,
Buttons | Tools | Shortcut Keys (Mac) | Shortcut Keys (Windows) | Purpose |

| Stop | Option+S | Alt+S | End the recording. |

| Pause/Play | Option+P | Alt+P | Holds up and resumes the recording video. |

| Delete | Option+D | - | Cancel the recording. |

| Click Animation | Option+A | Alt+A | Show your audience everything you click in your video. When you choose this tool, it creates a ring animation on the area that was clicked with your mouse. It helps draw the prospect’s attention to a specific aspect and is usually helpful in how-to-video and demo videos. |

| Highlighter | Option+H | Alt+H | Draw and write text on your video while recording. |
Hit the Up/Down arrow | Hit the Up/Down arrow | To change the highlighter size. |
Hit the Left/Right arrow | Hit the Left/Right arrow | To change the highlighter color.  |

| Focus | Option+F | Alt+F | Focuses on a particular portion of the video. It is particularly useful when you want to highlight important data points in a graph. You have access to this tool in any tab during recording. |

| Eraser | Option+E | Alt+E | Delete the marked ones (text/highlights) in the video. |
Hit the Up/Down arrow | Hit the Up/Down arrow | To change eraser size. |

| Clear Screen | Option+Z | Alt+Z | Erases everything at once. |

| Minimize/Maximize | Option+C | Alt+C | Minimize/Maximize the tools. |