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Embed a video on sales page and share inside the iOS app

To embed videos on the sales page inside the iOS app:

  1. Open the Hippo Video app on your device and click on Sign In.

Note: To learn how to create videos, click here.
  1. Once you’ve completed recording, you will be automatically navigated to the Video Preview screen.

  1. To select the sales page, click on Pick your right Sales Page.

Note: You can see an existing template is tagged as default.
  1. Click the desired  Sales Page template of your choice. A Green color tick mark indicates the selection.

Note: You can set the selected sales page as a default if required. 

  1. Click Preview to check to get a preview of the sales page.

  1. You also have the option to search for the specific sales page by clicking on the Search icon on the top right corner.

  1. Once you’re done, click Send Email

  2. You will notice the video gets pasted as a thumbnail inside the compose mailbox.

  3. Enter the email address, subject line, and message. 

  4. Then, click on Send icon at the top right corner of your device.

  5. You have successfully sent a video email to your prospect from your device. 

Note: You can also share your videos on social media channels such as Facebook, Twitter, etc.

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